Tagged: QueerCor(P)


Queer Heroes: Queeros

It is neither here nor there why the great rainbow decided to take Betty White. Asking why someone as influential and yet still in possession of their essential humanity has been stripped from us—in...


Letter From The Editors

Heyo,  Our readers and supporters have probably noticed a slowdown in Double Sided Media content.  It’s not that we aren’t still researching and writing; we are. During the winter months, however, the majority of...


Save a needle, slap a doctor

There are those who like the doctors, and those who do not. I was a strange sort of child, and enjoyed going to the doctors. I liked knowing what was going on with my body, and still do. Unlike other sciences, the medical field was one that felt closer to truth. I could trust the diagnostics, the examinations and suggestions, because cold, hard facts backed their claims. I felt as if my person was more mine the more I knew of its functions, so regardless of what afflictions put me there in the first place, I found comfort in those bleak offices. 


Queering the world: robbing those pesky cis-hets

As members of the “alphabet mafia” are well aware of, Queerness is often coded —think Miguel and Tulio from Road to El Dorado— and countless Disney villains. Because Queerness exists and manifests itself in both metaphysical and physical ways—and in tandem with both Queerphobia and heteronormativity—only a fraction of the world is Queer.