Monthly Archive: June 2021


Who is listening?

Springfield’s mayor addresses his top priorities and makes promises to open a dialogue with the BIPOC community. Since January, Sean VanGordon has been Springfield’s interim mayor following a tumultuous few months after Christine Lundberg...


Oregon’s divide

This is a preview of an ongoing project Oregonians are starting to pay more attention to the fact that many eastern counties in Oregon want to form what has come to be known as...


Honoring Juneteenth

On June 19,  Honoring our New Ethnic Youth, or H.O.N.E.Y, and Xcape Dance Company held the second Official Juneteenth Celebration at Alton Baker Park from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.


Plastic part, III

Congratulations fellow eco-enthusiasts, you’ve made it to part three, give yourself a pat on the back for trudging through part two. If you haven’t read either of the predecessors to this addition, you should do so! The two previous articles establish a foundation of understanding this critical final addition: so what can we do about plastic?